May 5, 2008

Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation Kicks of 2008 Civil War Lecture

Beverly, WV - The public is urged to attend the first in a series of speaking events being held by the Rich Mountain Battlefield Foundation in their 2008 Civil War lecture series on Friday May 9 at 7pm. The lecture will take place at the Beverly Heritage Center located at the corner of Court and Main St Beverly, WV.

Dr. Mathew Lively, medical professor at West Virginia University, will probe the life and death of West Virginia’s General Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.
Stonewall taught slaves to read and write, yet fought for a government formed to preserve slavery. Orphaned at a young age, his love for sister Laura was torn apart by Civil War. Shot in the dark by “friendly fire,” he underwent a successful amputation by a top surgeon, but died anyway. Did Jackson really utter the famous last words “let us cross over the river and rest under the shade of the trees” on his deathbed? Join us for a fascinating tale. Link

Image: The Library of Virginia