(NYTimes) - ... The PBS presentation of the BBC Drama Productions adaptation of “Little Dorrit,” the sprawling Dickens tale featuring a 19th-century Ponzi scheme (one that predated Charles Ponzi), won seven Emmys this year, including three of those presented during Sunday night’s prime-time broadcast — the most of any show on television last year. Continued
BTW, the 1988 film version of "Little Dorrit" will be shown on Turner Classic Movies tomorrow (23rd) at noon. It's two parts and 6 hours long, but if you enjoy great cinematography, I'd suggest setting your TIVO to the highest quality regardless - it's beautiful. Both versions are excellent. The PBS/BBC version is a more complete rendition of the novel, the '88 movie version sticks to the main plot, but is well cast (why is Clennam so young in the PBS version?), and a joy to look at. Having said that, both are worth watching and score out, in my book, equally.
Photo: Wikipedia
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