Oct 10, 2008

Edgewood Arsenal Chemical Agent Exposure

(DoD) - Edgewood Arsenal has been the center of chemical warfare research and development since 1918. Therefore, it is not surprising that Edgewood Arsenal became the research hub for chemical agent testing on human subjects from 1955 thru 1975. The great majority of the use of volunteers in medical (chemical) research occurred at this installation.
From 1955 until 1975, the Army Chemical Corps Medical Department conducted classified medical studies involving nerve agents, nerve agent treatments (antidotes), psychochemicals (hallucinogenic drugs), irritants, and blistering agents. The purpose of the studies was to ensure that the U.S. military could adequately protect its Service members from possible wartime exposures to chemical warfare agents.
As part of this effort, the Army conducted testing on approximately 7,000 volunteers at Edgewood Arsenal. These studies exposed participants, with their consent, to a number of different chemicals. The study objectives were to determine specific health effects associated with exposure (particularly at low dosages), to assess various pre- and post-exposure medical treatments, and to evaluate the effectiveness of personal protective equipment in preventing exposure. Continued