(HSUS) - What can you do for turtles?
- Protect Turtle Habitat. Become active in your local conservation commission or parks and recreation department, and work to preserve turtle habitat.
- Don't Pollute or Litter. Pollution makes its way into bodies of water and wild areas, poisoning turtles and destroying their habitats. Reduce the amount of garbage you produce, and dispose of it properly.
- Give Turtles a Brake. If you see a turtle crossing a road, gently pick him up by the edge of his shell and carry him across in the direction he was headed. (Be watchful for cars in the process.) If the turtle is a large one, or a snapping turtle, use a stick to nudge him gently across the road without getting too close. Never pick up a turtle by his tail and always wash your hands after handling any turtle.
- Enjoy Turtles in the Wild. Never keep wild turtles as pets or buy them from a pet store. Learn to enjoy turtles by observing them in their natural habitat, where they belong. If turtles live in your yard, keep them happy by building a pond and by landscaping with plants that provide protection and food.
- Don't Release Pets into the Wild. If you already have a pet turtle that you can no longer take care of, contact your local animal shelter for assistance.
- Spread the Word. Educate others about the importance of protecting turtles from commercial exploitation and abuse in your community and throughout the world. Be a voice for turtles. Continued
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