Jun 16, 2009

Hearings begin on Conowingo Dam relicensing

(Ægis) - The first local public meeting on the relicensing of Conowingo Hydroelectric Project drew a handful of people in Darlington Thursday, most with concerns about the environmental impact of the 80-year-old dam and power plant, whose federal license expires in 2014.
... Abrams also asked that Port Deposit's historic properties and all town and county comprehensive plans for the area be considered, asked that an environmental impact statement be conducted in addition to an environmental assessment, and noted that the mailing list for the process is inadequate and only two Maryland elected officials are listed on it. Continued

Later in the article, Mary Ellen Marsh, "general manager of Conowingo and Muddy Run," seems to be shocked, shocked that the folks who live downstream of the dam, mind being flooded out on a semi-regular basis. I imagine she lives upstream of the thing. - Falmanac