Jun 30, 2009

Pa Ingalls - Pioneer GeekDad?

(Geekdad) - Somewhere along the line, some folks may have gotten the idea that Little House on the Prairie is “just for girls” and that the plot mostly involves Laura Ingalls running through the tall grass in a calico dress.
But I’m reading the book to my boys right now and there’s a lot more D.I.Y. than dresses. Much of the book is about Pa building the house. Continued

Photo: My great grandparents and their children in front of their second little house on the prairie, they'd build one more (which is still standing in New Mexico), after this one.


Stacey A said...

I'm reading the Little House series to my daughter this summer and my 11-year-old son often joins us to listen to how the stories turn out. There's a serious bit of drama going on in these pioneer stories. But it's the incredible detail Laura Ingalls Wilder provides in her descriptions of some of the everyday aspects of pioneer life that are so compelling. It's so much fun to read these books again as an adult.