Jul 2, 2010

Battle of Hunterstown

(Wikipedia) The Battle of Hunterstown was a minor cavalry engagement in Adams County, Pennsylvania, on July 2, 1863, during the Gettysburg Campaign of the American Civil War. In recent years, the engagement has been referred as the North Cavalry Field of the Battle of Gettysburg, although the historical context has been to place this as an independent fight.
At dawn, the Union Army of the Potomac had deployed near Gettysburg in the general shape of a fishhook, with elements of the VI Corps and the cavalry posted elsewhere to protect the flanks and to look for Rebel activity, particularly J.E.B. Stuart’s cavalry. Stuart arrived at Robert E. Lee’s headquarters between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 that afternoon, and about an hour later Wade Hampton's exhausted brigade arrived. Stuart ordered Hampton to take a position to cover the left rear of the Confederate battle lines. Hampton moved into position astride the Hunterstown Road four miles northeast of Gettysburg, blocking access for any Union forces that might try to swing around behind Lee's lines. Continued