Aug 21, 2010

Vintage video games thrive at Crab Towne

(Baltimore Sun) ... Stepping into Crab Towne is, indeed, like setting foot inside a time machine, going back to a day before consoles brought video-gaming into the home, when the nimble-fingered had to plunk a quarter into a machine to play Pac-Man, Space Invaders or Galaga. Step into the annex the owners have built to house their arcade, one of the few left from a time when there was one in just about every mall and shopping center, and the first thing you see and hear is a Pac-Man merrily chomping away. Walk a few rows over, and there's Q*bert, merrily hopping from one square to the next. A few feet away, the original Super Mario Bros. are busy hammering away on their latest construction job, while one row over, Dig Dug is frantically digging away, blasting away at red and green monsters as he goes. Continued

Image: Wikipedia