Sep 30, 2021

Country Churches: Old North Bend

"Well, it had been
a Methodist church, were these Methodists?
He believed it wasn't anybody like that,
no sir, he said: it is some of these
holy-sanctified God damn people."
- Henry Taylor

I had a little difficulty trying to find the history of the Old North Bend Church, in Harford County, Maryland. The church had changed hands and it wasn't listed in any of the usual books. I finally found the new owners on the web. Turns out the church started out as Presbyterian and is now the "New Life Church of God." I don't know what that is, but I'm glad they bought the place. They have found a place to worship & are preserving our history at the same time. They could have just as easily built some McChurch out on the highway.
It's a common fact that things change, but hard to accept nonetheless. Every day I look at my neighbor and think, "well at least I didn't go bald," and every day he looks at me and thinks, "well at least I didn't get fat." They are petty things, just like a church changing hands. It shouldn't bother us much.

Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens