Oct 14, 2008

The Amity Shlaes Horror

I am still, in many ways, a naive idealist, and I still get mad when writers (especially historians) tell lies. Last night, on The Daily Show, Amity Shlaes tried to blame our economic woes first on Lyndon Johnson ("that's a new one," I thought), and then on Fanny Mae. When Jon Stewart called her on it, she backed off.
Apparently, Shlaes is just as weaselly in her book on the Great Depression, according to this article at Slate: "Yet of all the possible ways to measure unemployment, Shlaes chooses the only way that hides the effect of New Deal relief programs and makes it look as though the economy performed as poorly under Roosevelt as under Hoover."
I purchase books by authors left, right, and center, as long as they are honest. For example, I like both Howard Zinn and Richard Brookhiser and even though I lean to the left, I suspect that Mr. Brookhiser would be a far more entertaining dinner guest. More importantly though, is the fact that I think they are both straight shooters. Needless to say, I won't be reading anything by Amity Shlaes.