Mar 4, 2012

The long, sad death of Harry Gilmor

Harry Gilmor, a partisan ranger in the Confederate army, who was from the Towson Maryland area, is often spoken of in a lighthearted manner. He was a picture-book cavalry officer who loved to have fun, not as much as the next guy, but more. This contrasts strongly with his war record, which was impressive, and his death, years after the war, which was terrible. Here's some of his obit, from the Baltimore Sun:
"Colonel Harry Gilmor, the celebrated Confederate cavalry officer, after a lingering and painful illness, died at five minutes past 8 o’clock last night (March 4, 1883) at his residence, No. 43 First Street, just beyond the city limits. Colonel Gilmor had been suffering acutely for several months past from a cancerous affliction in the left side of his face, which resulted from a diseased jaw-bone. His right side was paralyzed and the left side partially so on last Monday morning, and from that time he gradually sank, until death brought relief. Several years ago the Colonel had a tooth extracted, the roots of which had grown into the bone, and in the course of the operation the jawbone was fractured at a point where it had been weakened by a pistol shot wound received during the war. About two years ago he began suffering intense neuralgic pains, and these continued until last September. A consultation was held at this time between Prof. Alan P. Smith and Dr. G. Halstead Boyland at the office of Dr. T.C. Norton, when an exploring operation was performed, and a malignant disease of the bone was discovered. From that time the tumor began to grow, and assumed large proportions. The growth had extended throughout the left side of the face, and had forced the eye out of position, thus rendering him blind; as he had lost the right eye years ago." Continued

Photos: 1. "Confederate Hill" at Loudon Park Cemetery, where Gilmor is buried. 2. Harry Gilmor.