May 28, 2006

Alfred B. Hilton

Hilton, Alfred B.
ACTION: Chaffin's Farm (Fort Harrison), VA.
DATE: 29 September 1864.
NAME: Hilton, Alfred B.
RANK/UNIT: Sergeant, Co. H, 4th U.S. Colored Troops.
CITATION: "When the regimental color bearer fell, this soldier seized the color and carried it forward, together with the national standard, until disabled at the enemy's inner line."
MEDAL PRESENTED: 6 April 1865 (Posthumous).
BIOGRAPHICAL DATA: Born: Havre de Grace, Harford County, MD. 1842.
ENTERED SERVICE: Baltimore, MD. 11 August 1863.
OTHER: Alfred Hilton was a 21-year-old farmer when he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He stood 5'10 and 1/2" tall. Sergeant Hilton was severely wounded in the fierce fighting of September 29th, and his right leg had to be amputated below the knee. He died in the hospital at Fort Monroe on October 21st. He is buried at Hampton, VA.
SOURCES: Medal, p. 117; Bearss.
An order from Gen. Benjamin Butler, dated 11 October 1864, had this to say:
Alfred B. Hilton, color-sergeant, Fourth U.S. Colored Troops, the bearer of the national colors, when the color-sergeant with the regimental standard fell beside him, seized the standard, and struggled forward with both colors, until disabled by a severe wound at the enemy's inner line of abatis, and when on the ground he showed that his thoughts were for the colors and not for himself. He has a special medal for gallantry, and will have his warrant as first sergeant. Official Records, #89, p169 (From: