Jul 16, 2007

Global warming & the Chesapeake Bay

Buying a place on the Shore? You may wanna look at these maps first, they show what the Chesapeake Bay's coastline might look like if sea levels should increase. Of course, this is all long term stuff, it doesn't really matter unless you were building something big - a military base for example. I say we change the name to Base Realignment And Closure In Submerged Harford or BRACISH. To play with the maps in real time click here.

Update: A report released today by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation states that Maryland's coast is actually sinking, making it more vulnerable to raising sea levels than most other places. 'The report emphasized that the sea level rise is already evident. "The fact that we're losing a lot of our bay islands -- Smith Island, Poplar Island. Black Water National Wildlife Refuge has literally lost thousands of acres of marshland," McGee said.' Read more here.