Dec 30, 2007

Country Churches: West Liberty UMC

About as far north as the south gets. There is an interesting history of the church here.

West Liberty United Methodist Church, West Liberty (White Hall), Maryland.
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 28, 2007

Martinsville Schoolhouse

"The one room schools in our area are very similar in design. Almost all are made of local stone and consist of one room with a small lobby - the cloakroom - at the front and with 6 large windows, often 3 to the east, 3 to the west; there are arched brick lintels above the windows. Most have a gabled entrance with a recessed door, with a transom window above the door. The Martinsville Schoolhouse is a good example of this typical architecture." Continued

Lower Windsor Township, Pennsylvania.
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 26, 2007

Private Snafu

Via Wired

Old House #21

Lower Windsor Township, Pennsylvania.
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 21, 2007

Country Churches: Ebenezer Baptist

Sitting on the west bank of the Susquehanna (York County side), not far from Wrightsville, is the Ebenezer Baptist Church. According to the map, it is in Long Level (Lower Windsor Township), Pennsylvania.
It is not far from the site of Cresap's Fort, from which Thomas Cresap, a Maryland frontiersman, conducted Cresap's War - a boundary dispute between Maryland and Pennsylvania. The end result being the Mason/Dixon Line.
Cresap was one of the more notable people in this area. Others being Susanna Wright, and the Conestoga leader Captain Civility (aka Tagodrancy and/or Taquatarensaly), both of whom I hope to write about in more detail, eventually.
At the back of the church we found the gravestone of Reuben Blouse who was a member of Herman's Company of the 103rd Pa. Volunteers, which we have already blogged about here.
There is a plaque on the front of the church that reads as follows:

U. B. Ebenezer Church

Built in 1898

RM in 1904

At least that's what we think it says, we forgot to take a close-up of the plaque and had to make a best guess.

Dec 19, 2007

TA-4J Skyhawk

The Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum, Essex, Maryland
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Voices of Lombard Street : A Century of Change in East Baltimore

"Visit this landmark exhibition opening that interprets the history of East Baltimore's Jewish community. As it traces the neighborhood's evolution from 1900 to today, the exhibition will chronicle Jewish life and show how the experiences of Jews and other residents intersected, overlapped and diverged." Link

Dec 18, 2007


Steppingstone Museum, Havre de Grace, Maryland
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 17, 2007

Martin RB-57A Canberra

The Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum, Essex, Maryland

Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 16, 2007

Computer History Museum on YouTube

"Welcome to the Computer History Museum on YouTube. We're committed to preserving and presenting the history and stories of the Information Age. Here on YouTube we offer videos of the many events and lectures at the museum. Also, be sure to check out the Computer History Museum website for even more information including online exhibits, upcoming events and our collection of computing artifacts: "

(via Slashdot)

Dec 14, 2007

The Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum

The Glenn L. Martin Maryland Aviation Museum is located at Martin State Airport, right outside of Baltimore. As the name implies, the museum is focused on the history of the Martin companies and Maryland aviation in general.
The indoor section of the museum has an impressive collection of photographs on display, each one generously captioned. There are plenty of models & the such too.
Outside, and some distance from the indoor exhibit, are the planes. There are 13 in all, making up an interesting display of jets from the Cold War era. They are some very photogenic machines and our docent, Joe Single, allowed us to photograph to our hearts content. Still, I'm not quite done, simply because I've never photographed planes before and I just know I'll need to do a few over. In the meantime, I hope these samples aren't too shabby.

Above: 1. & 3 Republic RF84F "Thunderflash" photo-recon fighter. 2, 4, & 5 Lockheed T-33 A-1 "Shooting Star" Jet Trainer.

Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 13, 2007


Steppingstone Museum, Havre de Grace, Maryland

Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 12, 2007

Baltimore Biscuit Factory

What to watch during the writers strike?

I thought I was smart in buying the complete "Twin Peaks Gold Box" DVD set, but we went through that pretty fast. We got caught up in it all over again - well worth the price.

Lately, we've been watching some of the movies that have been parodied on The Simpsons: Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Citizen Kane, & Cape Fear. If you aren't an old movie fan, there's a whole list here. Come to think of it, Twin Peaks was also referenced on The Simpsons, twice.

We noticed that "To Have and Have Not" along with "Das Boot" are on cable next week. We're gonna watch them as a double feature and call it "Hoagy & sub night."

Dec 11, 2007


Harford County, Maryland
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 10, 2007

Country Churches: Deer Creek Methodist

Harford County, Maryland
Canon EOS 30D & EF-S 17-55 f/2.8 IS lens

Dec 8, 2007

Louching towards the Belle Époque: Part 1

I'm sure you have heard the news: Absinthe, that most demonized of all drinks, is back. Not only has it returned, it appears to be all the rage. We will spare you the usual blather and cut to the most important question: Should you buy a bottle?
For starters, you probably won't be able to find a bottle of the two most heralded brands in this area just yet, at least we couldn't. But we did find two brands worth considering.

The first "Absente" has all the ingredients, and is made in the same way, as traditional absinthe, except that the grande wormwood has been replaced with southern wormwood. The importer claims that it is still a true absinthe and Falmanac is inclined to agree.
The Second, Green Moon, is a "French vodka with Absinthe essence."
We found both in a gift box complete with a glass and a slotted spoon. The spoon is for preparing Absinthe in the traditional way. One places a shot of the stuff in the bottom of the glass, and then slowly pours cold water over a sugar cube, placed on the spoon, to taste. The cold water causes the mixture to "louche," which simply means it will turn color as the various ingredients come out of solution. (Contrary to urban myth, traditional preparation does not involve fire.)
And how does it taste? Like licorice mostly. There are other ingredients floating around in there, and your palette will find them in due time, but if you don't like licorice (anise actually), don't bother.
I found Absente to be an interesting concoction, simultaneously repellent and compelling - a lot like life in general. And I kept drinking.
Green Moon wasn't to my liking at all, though I think it would agree with those who enjoy the taste of flavored vodkas.
My testing partner, who doesn't like licorice, didn't care for either and quickly switched to Wild Turkey. "But it was fun," she said, "the little ritual with the spoon and all."
And I think that's the answer: Yes, buy a bottle, it's fun to try, but keep a backup drink on hand. What better way to spend a long winter's evening with friends, Pictionary? Bah.
We will write part 2 of the story when the two "authentic" absinthes available in the U.S., Lucid & Kübler, reach the local market.

Continue to Part 2