Jul 13, 2008

Conrad Weiser

(PHMC) - Colonial leader Conrad Weiser (November 2, 1696 – July 13, 1760) would not hesitate to take up arms in defense of his homeland, but preferred to first seek peaceful solutions, even in times of hostility, growing turmoil, and uncertainty. Weiser lived in the early 1700s, when tensions and confrontations were escalating among neighboring English colonists, Native American, and French settlers.
Known to the Iroquois as Tarachiawagon or “Holder of the Heavens,” Weiser was widely known for his diplomatic missions seeking peace between colonists and Native Americans. But that was only one side of Weiser, a complex man who was also a soldier, farmer, a magistrate, entrepreneur, and a lay religious leader. Continued

Illustration: Cerebro