Jun 7, 2006

West Liberty Methodist Church

Just off Route 152 in Upper Cross Roads, Maryland is a tiny building called West Liberty Methodist Episcopal Church. It was founded in 1861 by African Americans. I don't know if they were slaves, freedmen, or a mix. The church was active for 60 years from 1861 - 1921. C. Milton Wright lists 15 "colored schools" in Harford County in 1874, one of them at "Upper X Roads," and I'm guessing it was housed at West Liberty. A local Scout Troop has placed a flag pole and plaque at the site, it reads as follows:

African American Heritage Memorial

To the glory of God.

This memorial is dedicated to the

West Liberty Methodist Church

and the African Americans who worshipped

during the Civil War and years afterwards.

Their faithfulness, personal sacrifice, courage,

and service to God and Harford County

will never be forgotten.

Eagle Scout Project - BSA Troop 801

Fallston, Maryland

Dedicated November 2000